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Audio Frames – American University of Kuwait

Audio Frames – American University of Kuwait

Audio Frames – American University of Kuwait { The OHDP intends to continue to set up oral history exhibitions that revolve around different topics and themes, utilizing the same Audio Frames, as they were instrumental in facilitating the kind of community...
Mediascreen, Speakers & Handsets – Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm

Mediascreen, Speakers & Handsets – Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm

Mediascreen, Speakers & Handsets – Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm { “Blackbox-av was recommended as a trusted and competitive regional supplier to Noah’s Ark by Bristol-based exhibition designer Polly Lewis, who worked on the project, and the AV elements...
SoundClip-2, Headphones & MIAS – Fulham Palace

SoundClip-2, Headphones & MIAS – Fulham Palace

SoundClip-2, Headphones & MIAS – Fulham Palace { “The audio hardware and headphones that we purchased from Blackbox-av are being used to play poetry created by poet Adisa the Verbaliser, created in collaboration with community groups as part of the...
SoundClips & Handsets – Stranraer Harbourmaster’s Building

SoundClips & Handsets – Stranraer Harbourmaster’s Building

SoundClips & Handsets – Stranraer Harbourmaster’s Building { “We created an audio table with bespoke laminated graphics for people to sit down and enjoy listening to the stories. The tracks begin to play upon picking up of the headset and can be...
Oversized U-Turn Rounds – Former State Quarry Merkholtz

Oversized U-Turn Rounds – Former State Quarry Merkholtz

Oversized U-Turn Rounds – Former State Quarry Merkholtz { “Our Natura 2000 project at the former state quarry in Merkholtz, Luxembourg is finally officially inaugurated. We even had prominent visitors at the inauguration: Luxembourg’s Minister of the Environment...