Video Clip HD8 – Beckford Silk
When visitors arrive at the shop they are greeted with a seating area and the video presentation – activated via the push of a button the VC-HD has been built into a black box supplied by the client themselves.
Our Video Clip HD8 has found another home with Beckford Silk in Gloucestershire. Beckford Silk is a family run business started in 1975 that specialises in textile printing. Run by the second generation of the Gardner family the business has loyal customers worldwide, including many within the museum & heritage sector.
The VideoClip has been utilised within the Beckford Silk store and shares a video tour of the shop premises with customers as well as the process of printing silk. When visitors arrive at the shop they are greeted with a seating area and the video presentation – activated via the push of a button the VC-HD has been built into a black box supplied by the client themselves.
The VC-HD has provided Beckford Silk with a cost effective solution for button activated video content, allowing visitors an insight into the business and educating them on the process of silk printing itself.
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