Solar Audio Post – National Trust for Scotland
The audio post has been placed outside so that visitors, including those who arrive when the building is not open, can hear reminiscences of life in and about the house when it was inhabited. The content comes from an oral history project undertaken when the Trust acquired the property and spoken by locals. It is exciting to be able to bring some of these memories to life in this way.
-Helen, Property Manager
The ‘Moirlanich Longhouse’ is a National Trust Scotland property open to the public. What makes this seemingly dated structure so remarkable is that its last inhabitant only left in 1968. The traditional home has been kept in its original state, attracting fascinated visitors throughout the year.
Staff cannot always monitor the building, however the Trust wanted some form of interpretation for visitors to enjoy at all times and all year round even if they are not able to gain entry. For this purpose we supplied the Solar Audio Post which is now installed outside the building, accommodating visitors during closing times.
The content stored on the post originates from an oral history project undertaken when the Trust acquired the property. Voiced by locals it includes stories of life in and around the house when inhabited.