‘Sleek’ Multi-Touch Table & Software – Spetchley Park & Gardens
One of these works involved the creation of a Heritage Interpretation Centre within the Old Cart Sheds, which offers interactive displays that will share the complete history of the historic building. This was part of Phase 2 of the Revival Project. It is at this point Spetchley Park got in touch with us to help supply some of the AV components to the centre. For this, our ‘Sleek’ Multi-Touch Table was chosen, running our off-the-shelf multi-touch museum software Lightbox 2, as well as TouchPuzzle and TouchQuiz for a more interactive experience.
The elegant and attractive design of the Multi-Touch Table fits with the style of the heritage centre perfectly whilst our museum software Lightbox 2 allowed Spetchley Park to display their chosen content and create an enticing interactive full of information. As well as having Lightbox 2 installed, our TouchPuzzle & TouchQuiz software was also supplied to add a fun interactive element to the software. The quiz tests the knowledge that visitors have gained from the centre, while the puzzle allowed them to engage with the heritage through a series of photos. Our Multi-Touch table has become a useful tool to allow virtual access to the Spetchley archive, which dates back over 400 years. Schools & groups also benefit from the touch table as an educational tool.
The new heritage centre is a big success with visitors. It promotes high levels of engagement thanks to the installed interactives, allowing the public to learn about the full history of Spetchley while preserving it for future generations.