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Recoilers and Handsets – National Palace Museum


Paired with the magnetic hanger and our unique Horizontal Recoiler system – the handset cables are automatically retracted within the table when not in use while the handset itself is easily mounted to the side via the hanger.

HDH Recoiler at the National Palace Museum in Taiwan

First established in 1925, Taiwan’s National Palace Museum holds a massive collection of over 700,000 artefacts spanning 8,000 years of history, combining to form a comprehensive history of China.

Four Horizontal Recoilers at the National Palace Museum in Taiwan

Within the National Palace Museum you will find the Children’s Learning and Arts Centre, a space for young visitors to get a closer look at certain artefacts. Here you’ll see a selection of four such artefacts mounted to a bespoke table, which coupled with text and audio provides young visitors with a better understanding of their importance.

Recoiler installed as part of National Palace Museum's Children's Learning and Arts Center in Taiwan

The bespoke table features four of Blackbox-av’s Heavy Duty Handsets, all designed to be durable for rigorous public use (the kind you may find in an area aimed at younger visitors).

Heavy Duty Handset Recoiler in use at the National Palace Museum in Taiwan

Paired with the magnetic hanger and our unique Horizontal Recoiler system – the handset cables are automatically retracted within the table when not in use while the handset itself is easily mounted to the side via the hanger.

Closeup of Heavy Duty Handset Recoiler at the National Palace Museum in Taiwan (portrait)

This makes for an incredibly tidy installation and ensures hanging cables are kept to a minimum. Something that can be very important in an area designed for younger visitors.

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