MediaTable & Editor – Balranald Discovery Centre Australia
This multimedia content consists of images and pdf’s with the possibility for video clips to be added in future. Utilising the editing suite ‘Editor’ Deep Creek created the interactive off site, uploading content provided by the client and branding it to their needs through the use of backgrounds and logos.
Our off-the-shelf touchtable software ‘MediaTable’ has been put to great use at the Balranald Discovery Centre in Australia. Deep Creek Digital, interpretation specialists in Australia (and also one of our approved global distributors) were commissioned to provide an interactive touchtable installation which would allow visitors to browse a number of archived multimedia files relating to the history of the river trade in the Balranald District.
This multimedia content consists of images and pdf’s with the possibility for video clips to be added in future. Utilising the editing suite ‘Editor’ Deep Creek created the interactive off site, uploading content provided by the client and branding it to their needs through the use of backgrounds and logos. They then installed MediaTable on a touchtable manufactured specifically for the Discovery Centre and uploaded the exported content.
With ‘Editor’ staff at the Balranald Discovery Centre are able to update and change content when required allowing the touchtable exhibit to evolve over time, providing users with an ever improving experience and fresh content when required.
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