Bespoke Cockpit Control Interactive – IWM Duxford
Used for school visits to help convey the insane reaction times required by pilots to fly such aircraft, we developed a physical ‘reaction’ game built into a re-creation of the A10 cockpit.
IWM Duxford is the largest air museum in Europe housing an expansive range of aircraft and other vehicles depicting over 100 years of aviation and warfare. We were commissioned by Museum designers Pastporte to add a little bespoke interactivity to one of the exhibition spaces they were working on, where an impressive A-10C Warthog can be seen.
Used for school visits to help convey the insane reaction times required by pilots to fly such aircraft, we developed a physical ‘reaction’ game built into a re-creation of the A10 cockpit – complete with sound effects via our armoured cable headphones.
With an adjustable chair allowing persons of all ages to have a go, users simply sit in the cockpit and activate the game. The goal then is to hit each of the large red buttons as quickly as possible as they light up in a random sequence. There’s a time limit and a digital display provides the user with a final score.
Be warned though, only the quickest could make it as a pilot!