AV and Recording Unit, Forty Voices, Forty Years
One presents a selection of video clips to visitors in which women share their stories…. Whilst the other gives visitors the opportunity to join the conversation and record answers to various questions.
‘Forty Voices, Forty Years’ is an exciting project commemorating 40 years of Welsh Women’s Aid. This touring exhibition is travelling to 6 different venues across Wales.
The exhibition looks to spread awareness on important subjects such as domestic and physical abuse against women.
To help get the message across we were asked to supply two easily portable desk mounted AV units. One presents a selection of video clips to visitors in which women share their stories, allowing visitors to select a button to see each clip.
Whilst the other gives visitors the opportunity to join the conversation and record answers to various questions. Recordings are then stored on a USB located via a locked hatch at the rear of the unit.
Our ‘MKII’ Double Cup Armoured Cable Headphones were used alongside the AV point, chosen for durability and reliability with the busy travel schedule of the exhibition in mind.
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