Solar Audio Post – Kent Downs Way National Trail
Thanks to the two very efficient solar panels, the Audio Post is able to deliver push button interpretation in this outdoor space throughout the year – making it a great companion to this intriguing bench come art piece.
Along the Kent Downs Way National Trail, you’ll find an art piece doubling as a bench for people to rest partway through their journey. ‘Feel Our Voice’ By Kezia Cole is designed to both stand-out while also complimenting the surrounding view.
Next to this bench you’ll find one of Blackbox-av’s Solar Audio Posts, available to use without the need for mains power. Visitors can rest here and press one of the two buttons to hear from the artist regarding the inspiration for the piece, as well as a poem written and read by one of the volunteer Ambassadors involved in the project.
Thanks to the two very efficient solar panels, the Audio Post is able to deliver push button interpretation in this outdoor space throughout the year – making it a great companion to this intriguing bench come art piece.
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