U-Turn Round & AudioFrame 15 – Winchester City Mill
A mixture of hands-on activities and audio-visual displays coupled with weekend milling demonstrations make Winchester City Mill a hugely popular heritage site with visitors. More recently two pieces of our standard interpretive kit has been used to create additional points of information for people taking a tour of the site.
Located near the waterwheel a very fitting U-Turn Round (which also provides energy via wind-up power) shares 5 audio commentaries regarding the River, Waterwheel, Gears, Millstones and Otters on the river. Being located in such a damp environment without access to power (as well as merging so well with the theme of harnessing renewable energy) makes the U-Turn an ideal means with which to share this information with visitors.
An AudioFrame 15 has been used to provide access to a number of historical ‘Stories from the Mill’ in the main room, built into a wooden stand produced separately by the interpretive team at the Mill, the AF15 allows visitors to simply press a button to hear a story. The front panel artwork was designed by the client team in-house once content was finalised whilst the use of 2 plastic handsets avoids audio bleed to surrounding areas.