How do I add audio to outdoor spaces without power?
Power is key!
The obvious barrier to sharing audio with visitors outdoors is power, where does it come from and how do you get it to your device? Running power to enable outdoor interpretation isn’t always the easiest or even best solution but what’s the alternative? Battery powered units?
If you perhaps have a heritage trail you’d like to share audio interpretation along, or a lovely Country Park, running power or using battery units that need to be recharged constantly just isn’t a feasible solution.
The good news is we have exactly the answers you need, and the best part? They’re all incredibly eco-friendly!
We have a range of solutions that are either completely wind-up or solar powered, allowing you to take your interpretation outdoors in the simplest way possible. Discover more below…
1. U-Turn Round
Itโs able to withstand the harshest weather conditions and is about as vandal resistant as anything can be thanks to its marine grade stainless steel casing. Itโs easily programmable via a supplied USB dongle which allows you to upload your own content whenever you want. As for how its powered? Visitors only need to wind the handle to playback up to 8 different audio clips.
The U-Turn Round also comes in two different model, this is the standard model which can be wall or pole mounted, while an oversized model can be used to fit this amazing little wind-up powered outdoor audio device through panels (such as signage). More on that below though.

If you need a hardy solution that allows visitors to access a up to 8 different tracks of audio, the U-Turn is probably it!
2. Solar Audio Post
The Solar Audio Post can be programmed by the same USB dongle as the U-Turn, making it just as easy to update.
With 2 buttons that can play a single track on each, or up to 3 tracks sequentially on each, there’s plenty of space to share audio with visitors.

You can find Solar Posts across the globe. From as close to us as Neath Abbey Heritage Site (merely a few minutesโ drive!) to as far as the Sapphire Gemfields Interpretive Trial which is all the way in Queensland, Australia (which utilised just the electronics built into a bespoke post).
3. AudioSign Turn
We call this the AudioSign Turn, which merges traditional signage with a touch of interactivity, supplementing displayed information with audio content.

If you want to truly engage visitors at your heritage site the inclusion of interactive audio within what is usually a very prosaic solution (signage) is a great option.
4. Audio Bench
Fit with similar electronics as our Solar Audio Post (it would probably be awkward to wind up a bench whilst sat down, letโs be honest), our audio benches offer all of the same functionality, just in bench form!
There are two models; Traditional style or a more modern Heavy-Duty Oak Bench (pictured) each with the option for surface or in-ground fixings.

Some of our most recent Audio Bench installations can be found situated in Salford City, Aberavon Seafront and outside the National Library of Wales.
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